Try to get as many matches and as few mismatches and gaps as possible
Drag a nucleotide to the right to add a gap.
Drag to the left to remove a gap.
A gap appearing in both sequences at the same location will be automatically removed.
Level 1. Length: 10, Probability of mutation: 20%, Maximum # of deletions: 2
Level 2. Length: 12, Probability of mutation: 30%, Maximum # of deletions: 3
Level 3. Length: 15, Probability of mutation: 40%, Maximum # of deletions: 4
If you wish, you can change the default Match, Mismatch, and Gap scores in the below textboxes.
Match Score
Mismatch Score
Gap Score
Your cumulative score
Created by Minji Kim, Yeonsung Kim, Lei Qian, and Jun S. Song.